+1 (207) 370-4MFA

Minutes for Fall 2014 Coaching Meeting

Debate and Speech

Sept. 12, 2014
Auburn Public Library
49 Spring St.

8:30 Breakfast
8:55 Welcome and IntroductionsPresent: Joe Pelletier (Bangor), Jason Curry (Greely), Jenn Paige (Bangor), Kris Deveau (Brunswick), D’Arcy Robinson (Poland), Matt Leland (Lincoln), Pat Spilecki (Lewiston), Sam Rouse (Tech), Lyndsy Dynk (Tech), Amy trunnell (Maranacook), Dan Haskell (Cheverus), Lisa Melanson (Cape Elizabeth), Dick Mullen (Cape Elizabeth), Maura Smith (Skowhergan), Tim Wheeler (Skowhegan), Adam Lee (Edward Little), Heidi McCurdy (Edward Little)
Election of Parliamentarian: Jason nominated and acceptedAll in favor: 6
 9:10 Officers Reports
Secretary: D’Arcy Robinson

  • moved to accept minutes from spring meetings
  • check in with Dan about motion to change the debate process at states
  • change the word hate in minutes to frustrated
  • motion to amend minutes: passed
  • motion to accept minutes: passed unanimously

Treasurer: Kris Deveau

  • thank you note from the recipient of speech scholarship
  • propose that the scholarships are continued
  • the printer will be bought this year
  • Moved to accept treasurer’s report
  • Passed: unanimously
  • Please make sure to contact Kris to order binders and stop watches

Vice President: Jason Curry

  • received an email from MPA about the website
  • no meetings have been scheduled with MPA this year so far
  • good relationship with the MPA though
  • Council of nine will continued
  • Elections will be the first or second tournament of the year

President: Joe Pelletier

  • Would like to set up a meeting with Bates Debate group to discuss the issues that MFA was having with the Bates tournament
  • Might want to remind Bates to check out the building use for the weekend so that there are not room issues
  • The lunch was not sufficient and they might want to consider using the cafeteria
  • New Schools: Kennebunk is continuing, John Baptist is interested as well, Gardiner also
    Might want to consider outreach to new schools and recruit. Check in with teachers that we know
    MSSM might be a good school to recruit-D’Arcy will contact Luke Shortey about maybe starting a team-
    Charter and Virtual schools need to know who they compete for
  • Private schools compete under the name of their school
  • Scholarships were given out successfully last year: Austin Fredericks of Skowhegan (Speech), Kyle Hietala (Debate), Alexander Clary (Congressional Debate)
  • Should start the process sooner so that we can announce the recipients at state tournament
  • the Camden HS has an exchange program with a Hawaiian school with students who want to do debate while they are here MFA could give them a gift that represents Maine
Moderator Reports
Speech: Maura Smith

  • Brought the supplies
  • Ensemble ballot needs to be change to reflect new time limits
  • Remind judges about new time limits-briefing needs to reflect the new times
  • Are the new ballots for speech done yet?
  • Handed out the Extemp topics
  • reminder about extemp evidence; data can be filed on the computer but no internet access during tournaments
  • What about impromptu as an event? Might be good to use as a filler

Congressional Debate: Paul Bibeau

  • event going well
  • good event for students to start in
  • Paul has offered to help any school that wants to start a team
  • Some tournaments group Congressional Debate into Debate for sweepstakes but it is separate at States. Might be nice to know how many students did Congressional Debate
  • More schools are participating.
  • Might do better in model UN by doing Congressional Debate
  • Another venue for outreach might be to contact Model UN advisors

Public Forum: Lisa Melanson

  • two levels are still being used; novice and varsity
  • activity is still going strong in Maine

Lincoln-Douglas Debate: Matt Leland

  • great participation
  • a long time judge was upset because there has not been as much philosophy in the cases
  • recommendation to try and focus on the transferrable skills instead of the national circuit trends
  • Debate camp at Lincoln Academy next summer might be possible—could also include Speech
Side note; need a contact hours form for the speech meeting-can make them retroactive. D’Arcy will make a form and send it out to Joe for signing and then out to people that have attended.
Might want to refresh document connecting activity to the common core to be in line with NFL and also do a presentation to principles. Jenn might be willing to take this one.
10:00 Break
 10:20 Technology: Sam Rouse and Lyndsy Denk

  • Refesh our technology usage
  • changing the website and mail server
  • tabroom: need to pull everything on tabroom including debate-the first tournaments will help smooth out the glitches
  • New website is up and ready to go
  • everything will be on the site—information will be cross referenced
  • trying to make it all user friendly
  • much is in PDF format
  • Tournament in a box is also a good idea-might be a good idea to create this for the new website
  • There are some gaps of information in the old website and need to make sure that the relevant information is posted
  • will include photos and videos, can in some links to other resources
10:35 Finalizing Calendar
Sept. 2014
12: Fall meeting
27: Maranacook Debate Workshop-(Boot Camp): LD/PF : Oct resolution:
Oct. 2014
18: Erskine: Speech, Lincoln: Debate (Novice PF and LD, Congressional Debate)
25: Bangor: All Events
Nov. 2014
8 : Falmouth: All Events
15: Maranacook: All events
22: Deering: All events
Dec. 2014
6 Poland: All events
13: Brunswick: All Events
10: Cape Elizabeth: All events
17: Skowhegan: Speech; *York: Debate (Martin Luther King weekend)
24: State Tournament; Lewiston: All Events
31: Poland: CFL’s (Make up date for States)
7 Brunswick: NFL’s
12: Middle School Debate/Speech
15: Spring meeting
23-25: NCFL’s
11:30 Old Business
Scholarship committee: D’Arcy, Joe

  • Need to set some criteria for the scholarship awards. there is one for each category. nominated by coach, one student in each category from each school. nominating coach writes a justification for the award
  • Do we want to combine Congressional Debate with PF and LD for the scholarships? Could also consider perhaps having two speech awards. Could make contributions to the speech community
  • How well do we know these students? Could leave it up to the committee to determine who should get the awards
New Business

  • tying our curriculum to core standards
  • using media better: Really need to do a better job of sharing information with media-contact the local newspapers
  • Amy found a Franklin society of debate—might be a good place for judges
  • scan ballots; can it be double sided which can be done. could provide coaches with very good information. might need to use codes only to protect confidentiality. need to consider the time it would take. Process makes for more work for everyone.
  • Time allowances—extra time allowed can really add to roundtable. Perhaps by Dec. 1st the student should not be allowed to go past 10:30.
1:30 Motion to Adjourn
All in favor: unanimously

CFL Chair’s Report


  • great time in Chicago
  • Fort Lauderdale next year
  • Nick Danby was a semi finalist
  • Had an Odec break from Cape

NSDA District Chair’s Report


  • Kansas City
  • Lots of awards: Nick Danby place 5th in the nation, Luke placed in poetry
  • next year in Dallas
  • school membership fee has increased. this is due to the services
  • required for students to create an account to compete
  • renew membership as soon as possible. committed to being an awesome resource