+1 (207) 370-4MFA

Month: November 2022

Debate and Speech

Docket: 2022 Nutcracker Sweeps

Click here to view the docket for the 2022 Nutcracker Sweeps at Poland Regional HS.

Invitation: 2022 Nutcracker Sweeps @ Poland Regional HS

Click here to open the invitation or read below.

Docket: Machigonne Meet @ Deering HS

Click here to view the docket for the Machigonne Meet at Deering High School on November 19, 2023.

Invitation: Machigonne Meet @ Deering HS

Click here to read the invitation. Registration is open on tabroom.com here.

2688 2704 2666 2713 2710 2707 2701 2697 2695 2692 2680 2683 2676 2673 2670 2652 2661 2658