+1 (207) 370-4MFA

Invitation: All Events @ Bangor High School

Debate and Speech

The Bangor High School Speech and Debate Team is pleased to invite you to an ALL Events Tournament – Speech, LD & PF Debate, and Congressional Debate on October 28, 2017.


Registration must be made at www.tabroom.com by 11:55 p.m. on Wednesday October 25th.

Any questions, please contact Joe Pelletier or Amy Trask by email, text or phone:

[email protected]
(cell) 702-1734 (day of tournament)
(home) 945-0884
(work) 992-5558, ask for by name

[email protected]
(cell) 991-8003

Drops will be accepted until 7 a.m. Saturday morning –  Invoices will be prepared at that time.  No late adds will be accepted.  Team fees are fixed as of this time (i.e., drop a student after 7 a.m., you still pay for them.)

Saturday drops at registration will be assessed an additional charge of $10.00 per student. If you have a drop on Saturday morning, please call or text Joe while en route to the tournament. It will help keep the tournament on schedule and you will avoid the additional $10 fee.  A text saying that your team is all present and on the way would be appreciated on Saturday morning.

** Please note judge conflicts, restrictions, and experience in Tabroom, and email any complicated situations to Joe.

**Please take a moment to add phonetic pronunciations for difficult student names to Tabroom.  This REALLY helps at the Awards Ceremony!

Registration fees

Entry fees are $7.00 per entry for Individual events (New schools $3.50); Teams (Duo and PF) are two entries ($14).  There is no team cap at the Bangor Tournament this year.

Judge Requirements

  • LD:  one judge for every 2 LD entries
  • PF:  one judge for every 2 teams
  • Speech: one judge for every 5 entries
  • Congressional Debate: one judge for every 5 entries.

Fractional entries round-up (i.e., three LD entries = 2 judges). The 3rd, 5th and 7th judge must be neutral for Speech, LD, PF.

Fees for purchasing judges will be $60 per judge. PLEASE have all judges finalized by 5:00 pm Friday, October 27th. There will be a limited number of extra judges available and you must clear your request by Wednesday by requesting a Hired Judge in Tabroom.  Please help the meet run smoothly and fairly by supplying your required judges and by providing them with training in the category they are committed to. Remember a parent cannot judge the category in which their child is competing.  Large Speech teams:  Please consider training judges to judge PF or Congress.

Judges are expected to be available for ALL rounds of competition.  Half-day judging is acceptable, but you must provide two half judges to equal one judge (one each, a.m. and p.m. available).


Please try to have judges bring some sort of timer/stopwatch. There are no MFA timers available, please ask judges to bring their own (and perhaps a cell phone charger just in case!)

The Bangor Tournament is no longer promoting costumes for this tournament.  Students are encouraged to “dress for success.”  See all MFA guidelines involving the use of props and costumes.


Breakfast items, lunch and snacks will be on sale for students in the cafeteria. Students should not leave the school.  Complimentary breakfast, lunch and afternoon snacks will be provided for coaches and judges.


  • LD: 3 levels, if numbers allow
  • PF: 2 levels, if numbers allow
  • CD: Sen/House, as needed
  • Speech: All Categories

In Speech, we offer two Novice categories – Novice Prose and Novice Poetry.  Both of these events are for students who are competing in their first year of High School forensics.  Oratorical Declamation is open to both freshmen and sophomores in their first or second year of competition.

In Debate, Novice categories are for students in their first year of High School forensics.  JV LD is for second-year debaters and first-year debaters who have enjoyed success.  Varsity categories are for debaters with more than a year of experience, or for students who wish to move up and try a high level of competition.   Coaches retain discretion in placement due to unique circumstances.  Please feel free to contact the tournament director for help in placement of students if needed.

Debate topics

LD September/October resolution:

Resolved: In the United States, national service ought to be compulsory.

*We do NOT use the NSDA “Novice Resolution” here in Maine.

PF October resolution:

Resolved: Deployment of anti-missile systems is in South Korea’s best interest.


Sweeps for Speech and Debate (inclusive of PF, LD and Congress) will go to the first FIVE places. Individual awards for 1st – 5th in each category. We will again be recycling old trophies.  Please advise your students that there will be a number of trophies to choose from, from a variety of contests and events.


8:00-8:30 Registration

8:45 Judges meeting in Judges’ Lounge & Student meeting in Cafeteria

Rounds will begin at 9:00

Awards at 5:00 (sooner if possible/later if necessary!)

Student lounge

Cafeteria – Students are asked to remain in the cafeteria when not in rounds

Judges Lounge

In library. You will be directed up the ramp from the registration table by Peakes Auditorium.

Tab Room

Directly across from the Library, in the Lecture Hall

Restroom Policy

Bangor High School promotes tolerance, acceptance, and respect.  As such, individuals are encouraged to use the restroom they most identify with.  A single-stall unisex restroom will also be available by contacting your tournament hosts in the Tabroom throughout the day.

Directions to Bangor HS:  Exit I-95 at Exit 185  (Broadway), and turn right at the end of the off ramp.  Stay in the right hand lane of Broadway.  You will go straight through another five lights, passing Pizza Hut, McDonalds and RiteAid.  As you approach the sixth traffic light, you’ll see a sign saying right lane ends, as well as a blue directional sign for Bangor HS.  Turn right at the light, go down Grandview Ave approximately 200 yards.  As you pass the student parking lot, you will notice a road to the left.  (Hobart Street, no sign).  Turn left, drive up the hill, and turn into the High School driveway.  Pull all the way up to Peakes Auditorium (the round part at the far end of the building).  After unloading, busses are asked to park down in the student parking area, as we hope Bangor will be hosting Soccer games in the afternoon/evening.