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Debate and Speech

Minutes: Spring 2022 Coaches Meeting Minutes

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Invitation: Maine NSDA 2022

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Invitation: Maine CFL Speech and Debate Qualifier 2022

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Announcement: Council of Nine Instagram Page

Exciting news, coaches! The Council of Nine is creating a student-led Instagram page. We will be posting tutorials on how to navigate Tabroom, “Day in the Life of a Tournament” videos, and more! We’ve been wanting to attract some new faces and hopefully, this is the way to do it. On that note, we’re also looking for…
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Invitation: NCFL Congress Qualifiers

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Invitation: I Have a Dream 2022

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Invitation: Frosty’s Forensics 2021

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Invitation: Rudolph’s Rebuttal 2021

Invite & Congress Docket

Invitation: Nutcracker Sweeps 2021

Invite & Congress Docket

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