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Category: Announcements

Debate and Speech

Council of Nine Announcement

Nominations sought for the Council of Nine; MFA Student Representative Group. The Council of Nine is a student-elected group of three students from each of thefollowing MFA competition categories; Speech, Debate, and Congressional Debate. Thisgroup of trusted, communicative, and experienced competitors meet together with theorganization’s Vice President regularly throughout the season at all-events tournamentsand communicate…
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Invitation: Maine NSDA District National Qualifier Tournaments

Click here to download the invitation as a PDF.

Invitation: 2021 Maine CFL Tournament

To all Maine CFL Speech and Debate Coaches: The Maine NCFL Diocese invites all Maine NCFL member schools to attend the National Qualifying Speech and Debate Tournaments: Congressional Debate on February 27, 2021 at the virtual Maine State Tournament Debate and Speech held virtually on Saturday, March 20, 2021 Please read through all the information…
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Beyond Resolved Maine

For more information or to join the conversation reach out to D’Arcy Robinson.

Call for nominations: Maine State Of-the-year and scholarship awards

Each year at the Maine State Championship Tournament we award individuals for outstanding support and service to the Maine Forensic Association, including: Coach of the Year Judge of the Year Award (may be broken down into more than one award by event depending on nominations) Student scholarships (broken down by event category) Use the links…
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Submit your membership dues by December 1

Find the form to become a member of the Maine Forensic Association here. Dues postmarked prior to December 1 are only $75. The linked page above also has links to membership forms for the National Catholic Forensic League and the National Speech and Debate Association.

Save the date: Maine Middle School Tournament

UPDATED: May 20, 2018 with different date. Falmouth High School will host the 2018 Maine Middle School Tournament on June 13. Keep an eye out here for more information and the invitation soon.

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