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Category: Invitations

Debate and Speech

Invitation: Pumpkinmania 2022 virtual tournament

Read the invitation in Google Docs here or below.

Invitation: 2022 Paul Bunyan Classic @ Bangor HS

Bangor High School is pleased to invite you to the Paul Bunyan Classic on October 29, 2022. Read the invitation below or directly here.

Invitation: 2022 Novice Extravaganza

Click here to read the invitation for this year’s novice tournament.

Join us for the 2022 Maine Experience (virtual)

It’s a great pleasure for the Maine Forensics Association, Maine NSDA District Committee, and Portland CFL Diocese to invite you to The Maine Experience: Coach and Judge Training. This virtual workshop series aims to help you navigate the world of participating in speech and debate in Maine. Join us Saturday, October 1, 2022. Sessions run…
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Invitation: Maine NSDA 2022

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Invitation: Maine CFL Speech and Debate Qualifier 2022

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Invitation: NCFL Congress Qualifiers

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Invitation: I Have a Dream 2022

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Invitation: Frosty’s Forensics 2021

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Invitation: Rudolph’s Rebuttal 2021

Invite & Congress Docket

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