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Extemporaneous Speaking Topics

Debate and Speech

2024-2025 Extemp Topics

Updated October 13, 2024

United States
September, October, November2024 Election
Domestic Economy
Immigration Policy
Conflicts in the Middle East
Latin American Politics
Ukrainian/Russian War
Add in DecemberCriminal Justice Policy and Crime
US Foreign Policy
AI and Emerging Technology
African Economies
Add in JanuaryHealth Care
Climate and the Environment
Asian Politics
Global human rights

Competitors in Extemporaneous Speaking should research current events based on the following topics. Maine tournaments offer a consolidated Extemporaneous Speaking event. Prior to the start of round 1, each competitor will announce their topic preference (domestic or foreign). The topics they pull will be from that chosen area.

Topics introduced in December will be specified by student choice voting. Students will have the opportunity to vote for their favorite out of a list of topics.

Download here.

2023-2024 Extemp Topics

2022-2023 Extemp topics

2021-2022 Extemp topics

2020-2021 Extemp Topics

2019-2020 Extemp topics

2018-2019 Extemp topics

2017-2018 Extemp topics

2016-2017 Extemp Topics

2015-2016 Extemp Topics

2014-2015 Extemp Topics

2013-2014 Extemp Topics

2012-2013 Extemp Topics

2011-2012 Extemp Topics

2010-2011 Extemp Topics

2009-2010 Extemp Topics

2008-2009 Extemp Topics

2007-2008 Extemp Topics

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