+1 (207) 370-4MFA

Motion to Launch a New MFA Web Site

Debate and Speech

Welcome to the new web site for the Maine Forensic Association!

Even though we are live, there is still plenty to do to maintain this site. If you have any feedback or new content for the site, contact the webmaster. This is the place to share debate and Extemp topics, Congress dockets, tournament invitations, meeting minutes, resources for new teams, and any other news. Officers, moderators, and tournament hosts should direct their tournament- and event-specific information to the webmaster or anyone on the Technical Team.

Who is the Technical Team? We are the rare breed or nerds who merge their love of tech with forensics: Sam Rouse, Kris Deveau, and Lyndsy Shuman Denk (me). Each does a variety of things, but, in general:

  • Sam provides tech support during tournaments. When he’s not crunching the ballot results, he’s troubleshooting printer connectivity and wifi kerfluffles. By day he’s a senior web developer for LL Bean.
  • Kris is the MFA’s expert on running tournaments and using Tabroom.com. She also wears many other hats within the organization—a veritable Jill of all trades. By day she freelances in human resources information technology.
  • Lyndsy serves as the resident documentation specialist and webmaster. Outside of the tabulation room she helps update important documents like the by-laws, event-specific manuals, and now this web site. By day she is an curriculum developer for the IDEXX Laboratories sales force.

There are two big changes with the launch of maineforensic.org. First, we switched our URL to the more appropriate .org status. The Maine Forensic Association is a non-profit organization of coaches and students who foster building skills and experience in public speaking. Related (and leading to the second big change) is that part of our mission is to share information about forensics. We have certainly amassed lots of information! As a result, we chose the WordPress platform to help us restructure that information for easy access and sharing.

Click around for more information about the Maine Forensic Association or contact any of the MFA officers.